Milwaukee Partnership Academy Awarded $40,000 to Study Schools’ Best Practices Nationwide
The Milwaukee Partnership Academy (MPA) will receive a $40,000 grant to study other urban public school district's best practices. The Broad Foundation focuses on K-12 educational issues.
"This grant will give the MPA a rare opportunity to personally assess how other public school districts are making the very most of their resources during tough budgetary times," Christine Anderson, MPA executive director, said. "Most important, we'll see first hand what's being done to help students succeed — even in the face of program cuts." The grant will cover expense for site visits to four school districts nationwide to study best practices at those schools. Various MPA members will go on the site visits to study how other urban public school districts have successfully handled differentiated pay issues along with best practices in student learning techniques, teaching, finance and administration. The grant also will cover the costs of eight MPA members to attend the Education Trust 2004 National Conference.
The MPA was formed in 2001, funded through a federal PK16 grant, designed to encourage school-community education partnerships. Core MPA partners include Milwaukee Public Schools, the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee (UWM), Milwaukee Teachers Education Association, Metropolitan Milwaukee Association of Commerce, Milwaukee Area Technical College, the Milwaukee Board of School Directors, and the Private Industry Council. Other local colleges and universities, parent groups, faith-based groups, libraries, museums and other community organizations are also part of MPA.
The Broad Foundation's mission is to dramatically improve K-12 urban public education through better governance, management and labor relations.