History of the Milwaukee Education Partnership
The Milwaukee Education Partnership, Inc. (MEP) was originally formed in 1999 when it was known as the Milwaukee Partnership Academy (MPA), an Urban P-16 Council for Quality Teaching and Learning. With its name change in 2013 and as well as attaining a formal status as a 501(c)(3), the organization entered the next level of meeting mission goals and collaborations.
The initial focus of the MPA was to improve the education of children through better preparation, recruitment and retention of teachers. That focus remained and evolved into a much broader initiative—to assure that every child in Milwaukee Public Schools is performing at or above grade level in reading, writing, and mathematics through shared responsibility for student success. The MEP has added a focus on science as well. The organization’s primary goals have remained constant and the mission has expanded.
The MEP is comprised of executive partners, partners, work groups, volunteers and an executive director. New initiatives, funding resources, and partnership opportunities have sparked continuous energy in pre-existing initiatives and new ones. The MEP works towards collaborating with and guiding partners in writing and receiving grants to support mutual initiatives. Over the years, these collaborative efforts have helped bring in more than $80 million in grant funding.
For more information on our early history as the Milwaukee Partnership Academy (MPA), see our MPA Archives History web page.